New, Improved! Protien Inriched Coffee!
>> Thursday, April 16, 2009
I woke up about half an hour early this morning, so after lazying around for 20 minutes I got up and decided that I wanted to try out my new French Press again to try and master the formula for awesome coffee.
Everything was going well until I couldn't find Mike's coffee mug, so I decided he wouldn't get any of my awesome coffee. I grabbed my mug and poured the coffee in and it was really hot still so I was only slightly alarmed when it was sizzling a bit. I thought 'oh it's nearly boiling water with froth, that's all.' So, I get all ready, open my new splenda and grab everything I need.
Then it happened.
I looked into my cup and (I gag as I write this) a large, juicy, bug is floating at the top. Sizzling. This bug was easily 3/4 of an inch long. And plump. And apparently done cooking b/c it was now floating.
After a few minutes of screaming "Oh my god! OH MY GOD!" Mike and Kev ran in and Kev observed how purple the bug had turned.
Needless to say the remainder of the coffee is still sitting in the french press, and I will be scrubbing out my pantry this weekend. And probably buying lots of glass, air tight jars.
Ha, oh goodness...
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