A to the D to the ..hey that's that..?

>> Thursday, February 21, 2008


Spring and fall are my favorite seasons! Well I guess whatever is just around the corner is my favorite. But I'm super excited for this spring. I'm going to be visiting schools in the next couple weeks and getting all of that started. (yay!) It's narrowed down to....*drum roll* BC, North Eastern, Emmanuel, and Simmons. I've already looked at both BC and Simmons pretty seriously. They are all great, and none of them are drastically more or less money. So, I just need to go see them and get a feel for them. That's all I can do. I've been dragging my feet on this one for so F*in long that it's time to just hick up my suspenders and do it!

Next on the ADD order of business, what the heck is up with my mood today? Yesterday I was miserable and just *groan* all day. Today I took my meds super early so they'd kick in by the time I left for work and dun dun DUUN! I'm pumped. I was even making a grocery list on the bus, but I was getting motion sick.

Ok, one last thing before this post gets too long! Hellgate vs WoW:
Wren wants me to try out WoW. I'll give it a go I 'spose. I told him I could only handle so many addictions though and I -did- just convert my WoW friend over to Hellgate.

Wren's argument was WoW has better end stuff, etc. Well WoW's been out longer. I think Hellgate's more my style but then again I've never actually -played- WoW.



Kendra February 23, 2008 at 2:57 AM  

You're too funny...but I'm glad to see SCHOOL in your post!!! :) Puts a smile on my face! LURVE YOU!

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